
CRSD Community Update

 The Health Advisory Committee met this morning with updated information about other positive cases and possible close contacts. Here are the decisions you should know:

 *The Glennallen School building is closed to all. No one is allowed to be in the building without an exception granted by Frances Jackson or Jason Williams.

*Monday is a workday for teachers at Glennallen, Kenny Lake, and Upstream Learning. No school for students.

*Glennallen and Kenny Lake will be going into remote teaching from Tuesday to Friday (November 3-6). The Upstream office and classrooms will also be closed.

*Staff will be working to ensure all students are provided with the means to continue their education on Tuesday, November 3.

*Contact the school if you have any questions that may be specific to your child’s situation. If the school administrator cannot answer your inquiry, I am always just an email ( or call away )822-3234).

*The Health Advisory Committee will be meeting next week to monitor community transmission and test results to determine further decisions.

*Specific school or classroom details will be coming from the schools by Monday. 


We are at a point where multiple transmissions have occurred. We will do our best to be open to questions and come up with solutions to problems. We will also hear any critiques and suggestions to improve our messaging, procedures, and decision-making processes. We apologize for any inconvenience and disruption to your lives. We are in this together and continue to value the education of all our students.