Happy Mother's Day!
4 months ago, Copper River School District
Happy Mother's Day!
A notice from the Glennallen Principal.
4 months ago, Glennallen Middle/High School
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 ~ 5 PM ~ District Office Board Room Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86158691402 Meeting ID: 861 5869 1402 This meeting is open to the public. Anyone can attend and learn about what is being planned for the Indian Education Program at the Copper River School District. For more info, contact gjackson@crsd.us
4 months ago, Ashley Hicks
5.8.24 CRSD IE Mtg Flyer
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! A big thank you to all our hardworking teachers. You are awesome!
4 months ago, Glennallen Middle/High School
thank you
The effectiveness of the overall migrant program is determined by examining the following data: MEP Parent & Staff Surveys, Assessment growth; quarterly grades and your overall input. The CRSD MEP Parent Committee met on 4.4.24 & 4.30.24 to discuss ideas on what parents and families would like to see happen next year and received ample response from the community. However, we are still interested in hearing from others. Therefore, we welcome all input, suggestions, comments and feedback for next year's budget proposal. Our district has a deadline of May 15 to submit our grant application. Please help us determine the greatest need(s) by completing this questionnaire: https://forms.gle/ZN5f6wfUyUPkLaFMA SURVEY DEADLINE: MAY 10, 2024 AT 5 PM If you cannot complete survey online, please feel free to call 907.822.8556 or email ahicks@crsd.us to let us know and we will be happy to conduct the survey over the phone with you. $25 Gift Certificate Donated by DezDae'zed by FARMASi for ALL PARTICIPANTS OF MEP SURVEYS
4 months ago, Ashley Hicks
Glennallen May Newsletter, brought to you by the High School Yearbook Class.
5 months ago, Glennallen Middle/High School
Come see Glennallen's Theater Production on Thursday, May 2nd, Friday, May 3rd or Monday, May 6th at 6:30PM in the Glennallen High School Auditorium.
5 months ago, Glennallen Middle/High School
HS Play
Kenny Lake Schools: Kenny Lake school WILL be open tomorrow (4/26) as of Thursday 3:30 pm
5 months ago, Copper River School District
Kenny Lake School: Students will be getting released at 1:00 today (4/25) due to school plumbing issues. Please watch for further updates about school tomorrow (Friday, 4/26)
5 months ago, Copper River School District
The CRSD Migrant Education Program (MEP) offers many adult education and parent leadership opportunities. Find out what services you and your child can receive this year and how you can have a voice in your child’s education. VOICE YOUR QUESTIONS, CONCERNS AND IDEAS! Join In-Person Join Online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82455157528 Or Call in: 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 824 5515 7528
5 months ago, Ashley Hicks
4.30.24 CRSD Migrant Education Parent Meeting
Glennallen Scheduling Notice for April 25th
5 months ago, Glennallen Middle/High School
There is a community blood drive at the Glennallen High School gym today until 4:30pm and tomorrow (April 20th) from 8am-2pm. Walk-ins welcome!
5 months ago, Glennallen Middle/High School
blood drive
Glennallen's April newsletter brought to you by the Yearbook class.
5 months ago, Glennallen Middle/High School
Breakfast will be served this week for students K-12, for AK Star Testing. A big thank you to PTO for sponsoring and coordinating breakfast for our students!
5 months ago, Glennallen Middle/High School
Literacy Night is a school-wide event in which we promote and celebrate literacy among young children and their families. The purpose of the event is to encourage reading, writing, and other literacy skills in children at an early age, and to provide parents with tools and resources to support their scholar's literacy development. Please join us this Friday, April 12 at 5 pm at Glennallen Elementary School Refreshments, Door Prizes and Fun Literacy Games for the entire family!
5 months ago, Ashley Hicks
4.12.24 MEP Family Literacy Night
KLS: Route 7 will be delayed about 30 minutes this morning (4/5)
5 months ago, Copper River School District
Glennallen has no school on Monday, April 1st for Teacher In-Service. Have a great weekend!
6 months ago, Glennallen Middle/High School
no school
Come on down to Kenny Lake School this afternoon for our rummage sale. There will be snacks available for purchase while you shop for some new treasures. It starts at 3:00 and ends at 7:00. See you there!
6 months ago, Kenny Lake School
rummage sale
Kenny Lake School: Route 8 on the Edgerton at Tonsina lake has a rockslide that rolled into the road, DOT said the rocks should be cleared but there is a chance of a delay but the road will be cleared
6 months ago, Copper River School District
GLS: Please see attached for Glennallen Schools Flood Plan for Spring of 2024
6 months ago, Copper River School District
Flood Plan