2021-2022 Glennallen School Supply List

2021-2022 Slana Supply List

2021-2022 Kenny Lake School Supply List

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Become a Candidate
Run for the Copper River School District Board
Deadline is AUGUST 6, 2021

Did your children fall behind due to the pandemic or do they need guidance and want to have fun learning too? CRSD Migrant Ed is collaborating with The Native Village of Kluti-Kaah &would like to introduce you to a NEW opportunity, 'Saen Dghos'.
60 spots open. Registration and waiver req'd.

Glennallen High School and Middle School is closed for the summer after today at 4pm. Throughout the summer on a weekly basis we will be checking voice mail messages, should you need anything this summer, give our office a call at 907-822-5286.
Stay tuned...... as GHS/GMS 2021-2022 school year updates will be coming your way in August! We are looking forward to a whole lot of exciting newness in our middle and high school next year.
We thank you for giving us the privilege to be a part of your child's life throughout the 2020-2021 school year and we look forward to their return in August.
Until we meet again......Enjoy your summer in the Copper Valley!!!

Glennallen Middle and High School "motto" this school year was to......
Set Goals and REACH THEM!!!
Our educators and administration staff look forward to working with all of our students for the 2021-2022 school year in Glennallen Middle and High School this fall.
"Don't wait until you reach your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of EACH STEP you take towards reaching your goal!!!"

Glennallen Middle Schoolers - We recognize you and your efforts this last semester on an educational benchmark being reached!!!
Set Goals and Reach Them has been the motto around Glennallen Campus this school year. CONGRATULATIONS!
We highlight our GMS students for their achievements and look forward to seeing them all back in August!!!
Enjoy your summer!

CRSD Board meeting for June has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date.

Glennallen High School Wrestling Team - Making history this year at the 2021 ASAA DII State Championships!!!
Not 1, Not 2, Not 3........ but 5 State Individual Titles, Outstanding Wrestler - Kael Gerlach, Team Championship Title, Coach of the Year - Chad Gerlach and Assistant Coach of the Year - Trenton Culp.
Way to go Glennallen Panthers for securing the Championship Title this year. Glennallen Wrestling Team had not held that crown for 37 years. In sharing in the history of Glennallen wrestling, while being coached by Rollie Vasquez, the Glennallen wrestling team last secured this title in 1983 - 1984.
Congratulations to these fine young men for pushing themselves this season, finishing strong, and representing our school with pure class! You all deserve a Copper Valley applause! We thank you for setting goals and reaching them.
Go Panthers!!!

The athletic "times" will be saved for next year STUDENTS and STAFF! With their personally decorated white shirts the Glennallen Pride was brightly displayed on the last day of school.
Nothing but smiles, laughter, pure enjoyment for all "Teachers Included" Mr. Stefan Johnson nailed it! Congrats to our winners......!
We look forward to this event next year with even more "flare".
Thank you Mrs. Lorence and her team for putting together this day for our students!
Panther Pride lives.........

Highlighting our GHS Students ~ 4th Quarter Recognition for Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, Student of the Quarter and our newest recognition that was implemented this year ~ Superintendent Achievement Award.
Quote from Spencer Kimball: "Growth comes from setting your goals high and reaching for the stars!"
These students surely reached their stars this quarter. Congratulations!!!

Go Glennallen Go....Go Glennallen Track & Field Go!!!
Congrats to a successful season for the Junior High and Senior High teams this year.
We have three ladies representing Glennallen High School at the Regional Track Meet in Su Valley this weekend. Good luck and way to represent our Copper Valley Schools!!!
Special thank you to our coaching staff for leading in their victories!

Glennallen Year End Awards - TOMORROW - Come Join Us!!!
We will be recognizing the 2nd Semester Honor Roll/High Honor Roll recognitions, Superintendent Achievement Awards, as well as Student of the Quarter for grades 6th - 12th (graduates - please join us if you would like to attend)
High School Awards at 8:30am
Middle School Awards at 9:00am
Come support your children with their efforts this semester!

Art Wizards - Opportunity Knocks
2-Day Summer Art Camp - Right Here in Glennallen
When: June 22nd/23rd from 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Ages: 5-11
For details, please contact the Glennallen Elementary Front Office at 822-3232 to secure your spot.
For more details, please see the attached flyer! Great opportunity to explore your artistic abilities right here locally at our Glennallen School Campus.

Mrs. Brown......what is going "down" in your GHS Science Class?
These fine students enjoyed exploring freshwater life, learning about PH levels, importance of water temperatures, and much, much more in Moose Creek this year.
Are you passionate about science, Mrs. Brown is the life in our school. This year she taught Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry and Marine Biology. Ask our students about her zealous pursuit in her classroom instruction. If you share the same passion look at enrolling this Fall to get a piece of the ACTION!
Kudos to Mrs. Brown for bringing this life to science! Our district students thank you!!!

Denali Conference - CHAMPIONS - Glennallen Panthers Wrestling Team is State Bound
Huge shout out to our wrestlers as each of them secured their place to attend the AASA State Championships this weekend at Chugiak High School. First time in GHS history for the entire team to be competing.
Keegan Delaquito (130) - 1st Place
Bowen Korth (135) - 1st Place
Jordan Korth (140) - 1st Place
Nathaniel Severs (140) - 2nd Place
Alex Buck (145) - 1st Place
Brennan Garcia (152) - 2nd Place
Jayden Stone (160) - 2nd Place
David Scott (171) - 2nd Place
Kael Gerlach (189) - 1st Place and Outstanding Wrestler
We applause you for your efforts this season with your dedication for your hard work, self commitment, and representing our school with Panther Pride!
Good Luck at the State Championships!!! Go Panthers!

2020-2021 Denali (Wrestling) Conference starts at 9:30 today in Glennallen.
We are hosting 7 teams today. If you are looking for something to do today, come join us to cheer on our Glennallen Panthers High School Wrestling Team!!!

These fine young citizens represent all that the National Honor Society represents.....Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. Congrats to the Glennallen NHS Members (Ce'Anika, Christian, Kael, William, Mathias, David and Keegan (not shown) for representing our school and servicing our community. Many thanks to Mr. Jared Dale for coaching them along their NHS journey!
Well done students and graduates of GHS!!!